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Prepping Your Home for Fall Market

August 13, 2019 — 4 min read

Can you believe fall is just around the corner? Before you know it, the leaves will begin to change, and mornings will feel crisp and cool again.

Now that students are going back to school and the summer season is coming to a close, it's time to think about the fall housing market! If you decided not to sell over the past couple of months, fall is the perfect time to put your house on the market.

Second only to spring, fall is the best time to sell your home.

Less Competition

Most post-summer homebuyers know that with the end of fall comes colder weather and the holiday season. This creates great opportunities for sellers to get their houses on and off the market quickly.

Fall sellers will also be competing with fewer houses on the market, compared to spring and summer. With fewer homes to choose from, buyers will be more willing to bite the bullet.

Different Buyer Demographics

Many end-of-spring and summer homebuyers tend to be families searching for lots of bedrooms and backyard space. If you have a smaller home or features that would appeal to a different demographic, now is your time!

The need for office space, home gym, guest room, or less yard work are just a few benefits of off-season buyers. First-time homebuyers might need to work from home and empty-nesters could be looking for an opportunity to downsize. You never know who could benefit from your unique space.

So, how can you best prepare your home for the fall season?

Start Now

It may seem odd to prep your home for fall when the weather is still so hot but fall homebuyers will want to move fast once the season begins. Contact a Mortgage Advisor to get your finances in order and receive a recommendation for a trusted Realtor in your area.

Create Curb Appeal

Outside of the obvious (and necessary repairs), sellers should make when listing their home, there are ways you can spruce up the outside of your home for fall. Consider hanging season wreaths, planting fall-colored flowers, and decorating your walkway and porch with pumpkins or squashes. Homeowners should also rake leaves and cut down any overgrown vegetation.

Clean Out the Fireplace

It may not be cool enough yet to use the fireplace, but buyers won't want to see a dirty, unused fireplace. At the very least, vacuum out any cobwebs and dust, and wash around the edges if needed. Once autumn is in full swing, leave the fireplace on for visitors. The woodburning smell will add to the perfect fall charm to your home!

Decorate with Items You Have

You don't have to go to extremes to decorate your home for fall, but it doesn't hurt to bring some of the beautiful outdoors inside. Add a few bright, decorative pillows to a boring couch or create a centerpiece of pinecones and nuts to leave on the dining room table. Some home staging experts even recommend setting the "autumn mood" with music, fall-scented candles, and warm lighting.

Tidy Up

Some tidying up tips are a given, but does your home have leftover summertime wear? A common place homeowners usually forget to clean is the windows. Smudges and fingerprints will be a noticeable, unwelcome feature to buyers.

And don't forget about your HVAC. With the A/C blasting during the summertime, it can be extremely easy to forget about the unwelcome smell of first-time home heating. Replace your furnace filters for a fresher smell if you should need to turn it on.

Are ready to seize the fall market? Contact a Mortgage Advisor today using the form below. We're here to answer any and all questions you have.

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