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Financial Wellness Month

December 20, 2018 — 2 min read

January is Financial Wellness Month

What is financial wellness and why does it matter?

In a time when many people are making goals to improve themselves and their lives, January also happens to be Financial Wellness Month!

What is Financial Wellness?

Financial Wellness involves the process of learning how to manage financial expenses successfully. Our finances permeate every aspect of our lives and struggling financially with it impacts us in many ways: health, relationships, personal fulfillment, etc. Whether you are just starting out and learning how to manage expenses while saving or if you are facing a financial crisis - financial wellness is for you.

Financial pressure is repeatedly found to be a common source of stress, anxiety, and fear for many Americans. Keeping track of expenses, making a budget, and sticking to that budget are essential skills to have in order to be financially responsible and independent.

The Route to Financial Wellness:

Most Americans are still in the process of learning how to manage their finances more efficiently. There are thousands of workshops, podcasts, and online programs offered through financial professionals that can guide you toward money-managing success.

Everyone's financial situation is different, so it is up to you to select the proper mix of resources that work best according to your needs. The most important point to remember is that maximizing financial wellness is a process that does not happen immediately. Be proactive by seeking out resources and learning about money-managing strategies to build your financial wellness.

Financial Wellness Tips:

  • Don't put it off - identify and address any financial concerns before they start.
  • Create and stick to a budget.
  • Add to savings and emergency funds monthly.
  • Plan ahead and set budget goals.
  • Keep organized records of your finances.
  • Take advantage of discounts and deals.
  • Work with tax or financial experts to get you back on track.

If you have questions about financial wellness, please contact us! We are happy to help!

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