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Pet Friendly Neighborhoods

July 31, 2015 — 2 min read

A pet friendly neighborhood is a big attraction for pet owners when looking for a new home. According to the APPA, 65% percent of all United States homeowners have a pet, so finding a home near pet friendly amenities is becoming more and more important to today's homebuyer. Some homeowners are looking for homes with built-in pet grooming stations or custom play areas including cat walks and indoor dog houses. Doggie day care centers or spas near by are great for giving your pet a much needed day of pampering or playing with others, especially after moving into a new environment. Before you move into your new neighborhood, you may want to know where the closest dog park or veterinary office is or if there are any restaurants that allow you to take your pet. More and more hotels, restaurants, and parks are changing their rules and practices to accommodate pets and their owners. Some even offer your pet their own menus or forms of entertainment! Check out this list of the best U.S. cities for dog owners (Portland ranks #1!) before starting your home search.
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